My friend Linds N. told us about this little ice skating rink in South Jordan. It is so little and cozy. And guess what? Only $1 to rent the skates and it's free to go on the ice!

Cutest little figure skater ever!

Our kids have never been so we started off on the bar- just feeling the ice and getting used to it. They were very brave and curious to try it out.

Elliott getting a quick lesson- he picked it up really quick. Adam doesn't remember the last time he went- it made us laugh. (Don't worry- he picked it up quick too.) How long has it been since YOU'VE been??? That's what I thought... TOO LONG!

These two went around and around and got better each time. (Cousins- Elliott and Elli)

Ollie and Addie were happy to do modern dance moves on the ice. They hung out on their bellies most of the time.

Linc even got a ride! We saw someone pulling a tiny sled on a rope with their toddler inside- wish we would have thought of that! Someone else brought a 5 gallon bucket for their kid to hang on to for balance. Hillbilly? (I say smart.)

You can sit all along the side to rest and watch.

Ollie making ice angels. He could only skate if I held a hand and Adam held the other (and even then he was like a wet noodle on ice!) but he still had fun.

You could even go for date night!
(CUTE huh? Little does Adam know, we're going back, just the two of us...)

After the big skate and still smiling.

We had so much fun skating! It's something new for the boys and they loved it. We can't wait to go back. Go do it!

Afterwards we enjoyed some rootbeer and pizza at the Pie. We just pulled the table over by the fireplace and ate outside! In December! (Temps hit the mid 50's on Monday.)
If you want to go skating just go to the shopping center off of Redwood Road and 10400 S. in South Jordan, the one with Cafe Rio and the Pie. Go to the back of the Pie to park. The skate rental hut is next door to the back door of The Pie.
South Jordan Ice Rink
1600 W Towne Center Dr. South Jordan, UT
Open until 10 PM weather permitting. (If you keep the skates later than the hut closes, or if you want to skate in the day, you can rent them overnight for $2 more.)
Rental Hut Hours:
Dates: Dec 5- March 20
Mon-Fri 5:30-8:30 PM
Sat 10 AM-2:00 PM and 3:00-7:00 PM
Christmas Eve 3:00-5:00 PM
New Year's Eve 7:00-9:00 PM
$1.00 for skates and they only take cash or check- no cards.
P.S. Thanks Linds N! And Linds V for the invite! :)