family friendly hikes (Utah)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

backyard skiing

We borrowed (ahem, inherited?) these cross country skis from my Mom, the same ones that I used when I was 4. Elliott's been an avid fan for a couple of years now, and Ollie is just starting to like the idea. I don't know how, but my Mom has a huge stock of skis, poles and boots. I'm sure it's one of her links to her homeland- Finland.
When we were little, my sister and I (and a few friends!) took downhill ski lessons. My Mom would just come up and watch, but then decided to take lessons herself. She put herself in the beginner class since she had never done downhill. Before the two hours were up, they had moved her to a much higher level because of her amazing balance and control.
During the snowy Finnish winters, when she was a little girl, she would put on her thick tights, bundle up and SKI TO SCHOOL. In her dress. I would love to see kids doing that nowadays.
And once when I was about 10 or 11, we went skiing in Millcreek canyon. We had skied up and were on our way down when my binding FELL OFF my ski, so there was no way I could use it. With no fuss, my mom gave me one of her skis, put my broken one under her arm and skied down on ONE SKI. I'm not kidding. My Mom is the coolest. Now she takes anyone who will go with her- scout groups, neighbor ladies, pregnant daughters... I want to follow in her footsteps. I'm so glad she taught us while we were young and put us in ski lessons too.
Cool that I can pass the love on to my boys.

P.S. Now I'm on the hunt for a photo of my Momma skiing... does one exist? Marketta- can you help me out there?

1 comment:

Nielson said...

I love it! Your mom does sound amazing. My mom grew up in Montreal and always talks about how she ice skated to and from school---but not in a dress :) I can't ice skate or ski (thanks Florida...) but I want to!

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